BodyCraft OnlineBodyCraft Online




HT or BF


Very Light




Total (24 hrs)

BMR (Calories)

Activity (Calories)

Total Calories



Fill first column with age in years, weight, and height (inches or centimeters) or percent body fat (eg: 21.2); select appropriate menu options.  Fill the number of hours spent on respected activity levels considering the example activities below. Decimal values are allowed (e.g. 2.5, 0.25).  The total must equal 24 hours; "Total" is not a required entry.  Use weighted average values since activity levels probably vary from day to day.  Keep in mind, most people over estimate their activity level.  Click "Calculate" when complete.


Sleeping, reclining

Very light

Seated and standing activities, painting trades, driving, laboratory work, typing, sewing, ironing, cooking, playing cards, playing a musical instrument


Walking on a level surface at 2.5 to 3 mph, garage work, electrical trades, carpentry, restaurant trades, house cleaning, child care, golf, sailing, table tennis


Walking 3.5 to 4 mph, weeding and hoeing, carrying a load, cycling, skiing, tennis, dancing


Walking with load uphill, tree felling, heavy manual digging, basketball, climbing, football, soccer

Basal Energy Expenditure (BMR) calculated using the Harris Benedict Equation (Height, Weight, and Sex) or Katch-McArdle (Weight and Body Fat).

Harris J, Benedict F. A biometric study of basal metabolism in man.  Washington D.C. Carnegie Institute of Washington. 1919.

Katch, Frank, Katch, Victor, McArdle, William. Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance, 4th edition. Williams & Wilkins, 1996.

Activity levels based on values reported by WHO (1985) and Durnin and Passmore (1967).

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